Updated December 2023

The below standards should be considered a guide to compete at an Element Competitions event. Please note that weights & movements indicated are “working weights” and should be able to be performed for reps.

These standards are a guideline, and adjustments to skills and load requirements are possible within reason.


Everyday Stream divisions are most suitable for athletes that perform The CrossFit Open® workouts partially or entirely Scaled. 

Note: Teams in these divisions will have no minimum work requirements for advanced movements and can compete even if only one athlete is able to perform some movements i.e. toes-to-bar.

  • Barbell Movements (Working Weights):
    Ground-to-Overhead 95/65
    Thruster / Snatch 75/55

    Gymnastics & Skills (For Reps):
    Jumping Pullups
    Hanging Knee Raises
    Box Step-Ups
    Single Skips
    Hand Release Push-ups

  • Barbell Movements (Working Weights):
    Ground-to-Overhead 135/95
    Thruster / Snatch 95/65

    Gymnastics & Skills (For Reps):
    Kipping Pullups
    Box Jumps 24” / 20”
    Standard Pushups


Competitive Stream divisions are most suitable for athletes that perform The CrossFit Open® workouts entirely Rx. 

Note: Teams in these divisions may have minimum work requirements for advanced movements. Elite team members should be proficient in all movements.

  • Barbell Movements (Working Weights):
    Squat Clean & Jerk 205/135
    Thruster / Snatch 135/95

    Gymnastics & Skills (For Reps):
    Chest-to-Bar Pullups
    Bar Muscle-Ups
    Rope Climbs
    Double Unders
    Kipping Handstand Pushups

  • Barbell Movements (Working Weights):
    Squat Clean & Jerk 235/155
    Thruster / Snatch 185/125

    Gymnastics & Skills (For Reps):
    Ring & Bar Muscle-Ups
    Strict Handstand Pushups
    Handstand Walk


Age Group standards have an age requirement that all athletes are at least of a certain age by the day of competition. Team events may have both minimum age requirements and minimum cumulative age requirements.

Check individual event registration pages for specific age group details pertinent to that event.

Note: Teams in Age Group divisions will have no minimum work requirements for advanced movements and can compete even if only one athlete is able to perform some movements i.e. toes-to-bar or chest-to-bar pull-ups.